SIL Font Development Guide

How to build, modify, and contribute to SIL International font projects

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8. Modifying Font Sources

If you want to make modifications to our font projects, you are very welcome to do so under the terms of the SIL Open Font License. Here is the workflow we use to develop and modify our fonts, with some tips for those of you wanting to redistribute modified versions (derivatives).

Getting the latest version of the desired font sources

Checking out Andika-mtihani as a test project

To get into the container, type:

anvil ssh

(If the container is not already running it will do an anvil up for you as well)

git clone

Before you begin making any changes, please be sure you have the most recent version of the source files. If you’ve just checked out (cloned) the project you will have the latest, however if it’s been a few days (or months) be sure to update your local copy. In git terminology, be sure you “pull” changes.

Changing the font names to reduce confusion between different versions

You will want to pick a new name for your modified font so it won’t be confused with the original font. Almost all SIL fonts have Reserved Font Names (RFNs), so if you modify and redistribute the fonts you will need to pick a name that does not contain any RFN. In the case of Andika Mtihani you cannot use a name that includes “Andika” or “SIL”. But you can pick something creative. IOW you can’t modify Andika Mtihani and redistribute the modified version as “Andika Mtihani” or any name containing “Andika”.

Even for ongoing development of your own OFL font, in alpha or beta stage, and no RFNs are declared, you should consider using a different temporary name that indicates clearly that this is not the final released version that end-users should get and expect to be finished.

There are a few places where names appear in the source files and may need to be changed, but remember to add your own and do not delete any of the previous copyright statements in the headers. Filenames can change of course.

  • OFL.txt — copyright statement
  • FONTLOG.txt — add information on your new derivative
  • UFO fontinfo.plist — in many places!
  • Designspace files — both sources and instances
  • Filenames

Making changes

There are many ways to change the fonts:

  • Manually edit the files with a text editor. This is especially useful for metadata changes, such as those in the UFO fontinfo.plist and designspaces.
  • Use scripts to make changes, such as those provided in pysilfont. This is useful for making changes that affect many files or glyphs at the same time.
  • Open the UFOs in GUI design apps, such as Glyphs, Robofont or FontForge. These require extra effort, as these apps tend to make massive changes to the fonts that have to be controlled and managed. In some cases, import/export can cause data loss, so be careful! See the section on Using GUI font design tools.

If you modify the fonts or related files you likely need to normalize the fonts before committing the changes to your repository - see next section.

Normalizing and committing your changes

The UFO3 source format is a bit unusual (and frustrating) in that it does not always specify how some bits of data are formatted (for example, integers or floats) or organized (for example, the sorting of keys in fontinfo.plist). Because of this, tools are free to interpret and write out the UFOs in inconsistent ways, making change tracking and version management difficult.

The solution is normalization - a process that formats and organizes UFOs in a consistent manner. Normalization can be done with a pysilfont command: psfnormalize. Our projects, however, have a very simple way to normalize all the UFOs in a project, synchronize the metadata between family members, and update the UFOs from auxiliary data — preflight.

Whenever you change anything in the project, start up your container, type anvil ssh to log into it, then navigate to the project folder ( for example cd font-andika-mtihani ) and run:


This will get the UFOs back into a consistent format and isolate only the specific changes you’ve made. Then you can use a git client to review the changes and commit those you wish to keep.

If you want to eventually contribute any changes back to the original projects, your UFOs must be fully normalized and synchronized.

Using GUI font design tools

Many font design changes are best done with dedicated font editors, such as Glyphs. All the major font editors now support the UFO3 font format, however the level of their support differs greatly and each one still has some rough edges. The subsections below give specific guidance on using each editor successfully. In some cases we don’t yet have a well-tested and established workflow. We’ll add details for each tool as we complete testing.

There are some general principles to keep in mind when using font editors with our projects:

  • Consider editor-specific file formats (.glyphs, .glyphspackage, .sfd, .vfb, .vfc, .vfj, etc.) as temporary working files only. It can be helpful to temporarily save into these formats, but always write out your changes to the UFOs.
  • Don’t commit editor-specific files to the repositories. An exception to this is for archive sources stored in source/archive/.
  • Don’t expect to be able to generate fonts from within the editor and end up with fonts that work just like the originals. You will need to run our build process (using the container and the smith toolchain) to rebuild the fonts.
  • OpenType code can’t be fully edited in these editors, as most of our projects maintain the OpenType code in .fea or .feax files outside the UFOs. Instead, edit the .fea/.feax files directly with your preferred text editor, run the build, and check the test results. That’s not ideal but it is currently the only way to work around the peculiarities of individual editors.
  • Import/export with editors can cause data loss. The workflows described below attempt to minimize this, but be aware that it can occur.
  • When committing changes to projects, be selective about what you commit. You may need to ignore/discard changes that relate to specific editor use. Selective commits can be a good workaround for data loss!


We currently use the Glyphs font editor (version 3.x) to take care of the design side of font creation. It is a closed-source, macOS-only tool, but it’s well-maintained, has many open plugins and extension scripts, and provides decent support for open formats. Thankfully, there is also a libre/open source python library called glyphsLib which provides cross-platform read and write support for the native source format of Glyphs the .glyphs file.

To load the current font sources into Glyphs, we do not open the UFOs directly. Instead, we use the following process using project-specific scripts (run from within the container, or alternatively you can install the necessary libraries in your macOS computer via a simple shell script

  • Type ./preglyphs from the individual project folder using the terminal. This synthesizes a temporary .glyphs file from the existing UFO sources and corresponding designspaces.
  • Open the .glyphs file in Glyphs, make your changes, and save.
  • Type ./preflightg from the individual project folder. This reads the .glyphs file and exports UFOs, and then runs all the steps in the normal preflight script to normalize and sync the UFOs.
  • Review the changes in your git client and commit (then push) the changes you wish to keep.

This is the best tested and recommended method for modifying fonts with a dedicated font editor. Most of our projects include these scripts.

Technical detail: Due to limitations of the glyphsLib library the Glyphs file that this roundtrip process uses follows the Glyphs2, not Glyphs3, format. Version 3.x of the Glyphs app fully supports the Glyphs2 format, however some newer Glyphs-specific features are not supported.


Robofont version 4 uses UFO3 as its native format, and does not require a special script prior to using it. Please use the latest release! The workflow is simple:

  • Open individual UFOs in Robofont, make changes, save.
  • Run ./preflight to normalize and sync — this is important!
  • Review the changes in your git client and commit (then push) the changes you want to keep.

You’ll notice that Robofont may add a few things to the UFOs that remain even after normalization. You can feel free to add these if you want, but please don’t contribute them to our projects later on. An example:

  • a lib.plist key: com.typemytype.robofont.segmentType

There may also be some other additions depending on the project or Robofont 4 version.


The most recently released version of FontForge - 20230101 - has vastly improved UFO3 support. It’s important to use that release and also be sure that your toolchain is current, as we have recently added built-in support for handling FontForge-produced UFOs to our pysilfont tools. The workflow is:

  • Open individual UFOs in FontForge, make changes (but do not save!)
  • Choose File / Generate Fonts… and specify the output format as Unified Font Object (UFO3), replacing the original UFO. You can now quit FontForge - there is no need to save the file.
  • Type ./preflightff to normalize and sync. Note that this is a special FontForge-specific version of preflight.
  • Review the changes in your git client and commit the changes you want to keep.

Note: Most of our projects do not have the special preflightff script yet. If the project doesn’t yet have it you can run the normal ./preflight, but be aware that, if there are background glyphs, FontForge will copy anchors and Unicode values between layers. You can avoid this by creating your own preflightff script based on the example in Andika Mtihani. We’ll be adding preflightff files to our projects as soon as we can.

This FontForge workflow works well, but there are two issues that you may encounter:

  • If the UFO contains a features.fea file, FontForge will likely change it considerably. You will want to use your git client to discard any changes to that file prior to commit.
  • FontForge will remove any note elements it finds in .glif files.

It is also possible to use FontForge on another OS (and macOS in particular) to modify the UFOs in a folder shared with the container, then switch to the container and run preflightff there.

FontLab 8

Recent versions of FontLab 8 have improved UFO3 support, however there are still significant issues. We hope to provide a workflow for FontLab at some point, however it is not a high priority for us as we no longer use FontLab ourselves as our primary font editor.

Other font editors

Other font editors will be reviewed and their workflow steps described here in the future.